Electronic Judiciary, Dismissal Process, Preparatory ExaminationAbstract
Since the promulgation of Supreme Court Regulation No. 1 of 2019 concerning the Administration of Cases and Litigation in Electronic Court (PERMA No. 1 of 2019), the administrative processes of cases and hearing in courts are carried out electronically. However, the PERMA did not accommodate the need for dispute examination in the administrative court, especially regarding the existence of the dismissal process and preparatory examination. Therefore, this paper is made to examine what steps are needed so that the dismissal process and preparatory examination can be carried out using the e-court application. This paper uses a legal-normative method, namely an approach based on legal materials in the form of laws and regulations, as well as literature related to the theme of this paper. This paper demonstrates that the dismissal process and preparatory examination can be carried out through a revision of PERMA no. 1 of 2019. In addition, further studies are needed regarding the specifics of the procedural law of the administrative court in the implementation of this e-litigation, due to the fact that the dismissal process and preparatory examination are part of the litigation process in the administrative court.
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